Our Vision

“Together, We Grow and Serve”

Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We recognize it can be hard to live life, develop spiritually, and make a large impact on your own. By building up relationships and strengthening each other along our journey, we do faith together. By meeting in small groups, we challenge each other--not with easy answers, but by questioning why we believe what we do so we can refine our faith to an even deeper level. When we gather together, it is not enough to nourish our own spirits, but to offer grace and peace to the community and world. So we continue to serve in mission so all may experience God.

Discipleship, by Chris Stewart:

Making disciples for Christ is communicated through the importance of prayer at our church for members and people in the world. Sharing joys and concerns is an integral part of the service; and extend to e-mail and phone prayer chains. People who do not attend our church ask for prayers by our church. People experiencing challenging times receive a prayer shawl or teddy bear. Mission goals are shared through the annual parade in Bellevue where we provide music and a message; monthly newsletters and other outreach activities like the baby blessings bags. We reach out to areas devastated by natural disasters.

The church has available blessed communion cups to take to people in the community. My father-in-law grew up Catholic, but has not participated in any church service in years. His wife is evangelical, but practices her faith through T.V. programs and readings. My father-in-law experienced what seemed to be a terminal illness. Not sure how it would be received, I felt compelled to take two communion cups to them at the hospital. My father-in-law shared the communion service with his wife, and according to his wife it spiritually and physically strengthened both of them. Due to God’s intervention and the doctor’s skill, my father-in-law is fine.