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Three hundred years ago a pastor named John Wesley had his heart broken. Unsuccessful, discouraged, and questioning his faith, he searched for answers and found himself in an evening worship service on Aldersgate Street in London. There his heart was warmed and he was assured of God's love for him. Renewed, he went on to give hope for all who were discouraged and broken: that they too may warm their hearts to love. A movement of renewed hope was created. That movement sparked a fire in people's souls which spread around the world. In 1965, that movement spread to Bellevue with a new church. Today we continue to spread Christ's love for all those who search for something more.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church is a warm, friendly community with big aspirations. We find ways to support ministries and missions both locally and worldwide, from hydrating our local firefighters to helping people around the world become sustainable in their food sources. We love finding creative ways to support the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our congregation, of our Bellevue community, and of the world. We welcome you to experience our family!
In 2021, our church voted to become a Reconciling Church within the United Methodist Church. We live out Jesus’ call of radical hospitality. As our open communion table is an extension of God’s affirming love for us all, we invite people of diverse faith journeys to celebrate together our sacred worth and gifts. No matter your sex, age, ethnicity, culture, marital/social/economic status, physical/mental ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression; we stand with you in God’s love. You are welcome here.